The global water industry faces extraordinary challenges. As our world changes, our populations grow, and rural areas become suburban, infrastructure changes demand upgrades. Informational Data Technologies focuses on the key aspects of water conservation and loss mitigation by deploying innovative but straightforward AMR and AMI technology. Using the combination of satellite and cellular networks for 100% coverage no matter how rural or urban allows companies to focus on their data and analyze areas that need attention.
Rural Water Systems
All across rural America, small community water systems are failing to protect public health due to a perfect storm of forces. By implementing new AMR and AMI technologies, water districts are given the opportunity to upgrade older systems and implement better water quality standards.
Loss Mitigation
Informational Data Technologies uses advanced graphing and analysis tools to identify problem areas and prevent monetary losses from fees, fines, and leaks.
Water Conservation
By monitoring meter data, AMR and AMI technologies enable water conservation efforts to diagnose areas that need attention and meticulous observation.
Finding Funding
Federal funding efforts are lacking for small water communities that rely on consumer rates to upgrade systems. IDT is connected to agencies that can help procure funds to bring water systems into compliance and provide safer drinking water for their community.
Non-Profit Organizations
IDT is proud to partner with non-profit organizations to provide clean drinking water to underserved communities.