November 15, 2020
Founding employee, daughter of the late Angelo Polsinelli, and former Operations Manager, Andrea Polsinelli (Shupe), has bought out Rod Redlin effectively becoming co-owner with Irene Polsinelli. As Informational Data Technologies celebrates ten years of serving rural areas with their satellite-based AMR technology, innovation is key for the next 10 years.
January 1, 2021
In addition to their original, patented Satellite-Based field unit, IDT has developed a sister product on a cellular platform. This will minimize the cost of a 100% coverage solution and bolster water districts, agribusinesses, oil and gas operators, and more with a proven, environmentally sound, and compliance-ready water monitoring solution.
February 1, 2021
Informational Data Technologies (IDT), an AMR/AMI data collection and delivery company, is seeking partnerships in the water, wastewater, agricultural, and energy industries to promote the value of AMR/AMI services.IDT hopes that companies who share in the mission to evolve water conservation and monitoring and/or expand education will become a partner to further this endeavor.